
Aluminum oxide cabinet blasting vintage exhaust pipes

GT40 ford exhaust system being 80 grit
blasted to be restored for recoating.

Aluminum race car rims stripped to remove paint and corrosion for repainting with 80 grit Aluminum oxide

Aluminum oxidizing old frying pans brought back to life

2 lamps cleaned with Aluminum oxide in our blast cabinet. They are approximately 100 year old outside light fixtures for blasting waiting for primer stage.

Bicycle frame being aluminum oxide to remove paint for
Fishburn Proctor sandblasting is a family operated business.
We started operations in 1958 and operated by John Proctor since 1983
We take pride in our quick turn around time for problem situations. Fishburn Proctor sandblasting performs all our services by hourly or contractural basis.
Fishburn Proctor sandblasting distributes ‘Blast-it-All” sandblasting cabinets to assist our clients for their in-house blasting requirements. Our Services include sand sales, replace guns,nozzles, gloves, glass, parts and services for most models